I'm Mario Mantilla.
A software engineer with focus
on social impact.
About me

A multidisciplinary engineer that loves transforming software into social impact. Synergistic background in aerospace engineering and years of experience developing software. Worked as freelance developer, in a small R&D company and currently developing a SaaS for last-mile distribution companies in developing countries.

Versatile character and team worker that can work independently but enjoys teaching and learning from others. Savours diving into product design and business logic to come up with the best technical solutions.


A community of consumer activists. Web built using NextJS and deployed with Vercel. Mobile app made with Flutter and backend powered by Supabase.

Schedules Screenshot

Small webapp for scheduling shifts at work. Made with React and Supabase.

Limpiaplus Screenshot

Website of the company Limpiaplus. Made using pure static HTML and css and deployed using Github Pages

Chrome Extension Screenshots

Chrome Extension to track the time you spend in each issue (task)

Contact me

Check out my profiles at
